Species of which type specimens are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections are listed below:

  1. Merogomphus aryanadensis Chandran A. V., Chandran R., Sawant & Jose, 2025: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  2. Merogomphus flavoreductus Sawant, Chandran A. V., Koparde & Kunte, 2025: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections. 
  3. Amathusia travancorica Kunte, 2024: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  4. Athyma inara sahyadriensis Kunte, 2024: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  5. Devadatta adii Joshi, Sawant & Kunte, 2024: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  6. Yunnanosticta siangi Joshi, Sawant & Kunte, 2024: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  7. Protosticta khasia Joshi & Sarkar, 2024: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  8. Tenkana jayamangali Caleb & Marathe, 2024: Some of the paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  9. Ghatippus paschima Marathe & Maddison, 2024: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  10. Cigaritis conjuncta Kunte & Sengupta, 2024: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  11. Piarosoma arunachalensis Sondhi, Efetov, Tarmann & Kunte, 2023: Holotype and paratype are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  12. Caltoris bromus sadasiva Kalesh & Kunte, 2023: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  13. Hesperia parrhasius Fabricius, 1793: Neotype of Chilades parrhasius (=Lachides parrhasius), deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  14. Burmagomphus chaukulensis Joshi, Ogale & Sawant, 2022: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  15. Endoclita makundae Grehan, Mielke & Kunte, 2022: Holotype is deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  16. Zographetus dzonguensis Kunte, Karmakar & Lepcha, 2021: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  17. Thitarodes balmiya Grehan, Negi & Basu, 2021: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  18. Mata lenonia Sarkar, Mahapatra, Mohapatra, Nair & Kunte, 2021: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  19. Mata ruffordii Sarkar, Mahapatra, Mohapatra, Nair & Kunte, 2021: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  20. Mata meghalayana Sarkar, Mahapatra, Mohapatra, Nair & Kunte, 2021: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  21. Indopadilla kodagura Maddison, 2020: Holotype is deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  22. Maripanthus jubatus Maddison, 2020: Holotype and paratype are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  23. Metallolophia taleensis Sondhi, Nath, Sondhi and Kunte, 2020: Holotype and paratype are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  24. Protosticta cyanofemora Joshi, Subramanian, Babu & Kunte, 2020: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  25. Protosticta myristicaensis Joshi & Kunte, 2020: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  26. Coelostoma nostocinum Sheth, Ghate & Fikacek, 2020: Paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  27. Coelostoma lyratum Sheth, Ghate & Fikacek, 2020: Paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  28. Ceriagrion chromothorax Joshi & Sawant, 2019: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  29. Rustia minuta Marathe, Sanborn & Kunte, 2018: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  30. Rustia kodagura Marathe, Sanborn & Kunte, 2018: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  31. Theretra shendurneensis Sondhi, Kitching, Basu & Kunte, 2017: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  32. Cephalaeschna acanthifrons Joshi & Kunte, 2017: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  33. Planaeschna poumai Joshi & Kunte, 2017: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  34. Platypleura poorvachala Marathe, Yeshwanth, Basu & Kunte, 2017: Paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  35. Orientothele alyratus Mirza, Sanap & Kunte, 2017: Holotype is deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  36. Thaicharmus guptai Mirza, Sanap & Kunte, 2016: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  37. Protosticta ponmudiensis Kiran, Kalesh & Kunte, 2015: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.
  38. Hypolycaena narada Kunte, 2015: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the Biodiversity Lab Research Collections.


In the past, we have also supported publications of the following species:

  1. Cyclogomphus flavoannulatus Rangnekar, Dharwadkar, Sadasivan & Subramanian, 2019: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  2. Jerzego sunillimaye Sanap, Caleb & Joglekar, 2019: Holotype and paratype are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  3. Althepus devraii Kulkarni & Dupérré, 2019: Holotype and paratype are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  4. Hemidactylus vijayraghavani Mirza, 2018: Holotype and paratype are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  5. Gravelyia striatus Mirza & Mondal, 2018: Holotype and paratype are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  6. Hemidactylus whitakeri Mirza, Gowande, Patil,  Ambekar & Patel, 2018: Holotype and paratype are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  7. Hemidactylus sahgali Mirza, Gowande, Patil,  Ambekar & Patel, 2018: Holotype and paratype are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  8. Microhyla kodial Vineeth et al., 2018: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  9. Uropeltis bhupathyi Jins, Sampaio & Gower, 2018: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  10. Tetramorium krishnani Agavekar, Hita Garcia & Economo, 2017: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  11. Tetramorium jarawa Agavekar, Hita Garcia & Economo, 2017: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  12. Tyrannomyrmex alii Kalesh, & Kripakaran, 2017. Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  13. Langelurillus lacteus Sanap, Joglekar, Prajapati & Caleb, 2017: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  14. Langelurillus onyx Sanap, Joglekar, Prajapati & Caleb, 2017: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  15. Rhabdops aquaticus Giri et al., 2017: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  16. Hemidactylus chipkali Mirza & Raju, 2016: Holotype is deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  17. Wallaceophis gujaratensis Mirza, Vyas, Patel, Maheta & Sanap, 2016: Holotype is deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  18. Stenaelurillus metallicus Caleb & Mathai, 2016: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  19. Melanophidium khairei Gower, Giri, Captain & Wilkinson, 2016: Holotype is deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  20. Cyrtodactylus varadgirii Agarwal et al., 2016: Type is deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  21. Hemidactylus yajurvedi Murthy, Bauer, Lajmi, Agarwal & Giri, 2015: Paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  22. Cosmophasis undulata Caleb & Karthikeyani, 2015: Holotype is deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  23. Langona albolinea Caleb, Mungkung & Mathai, 2015: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  24. Mashonarus davidi Caleb, Mungkung & Mathai, 2015: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  25. Phanuelus gladstone Caleb, Mungkung & Mathai, 2015: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  26. Phlegra prasanna Caleb, Mungkung & Mathai, 2015: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  27. Harmochirus exaggeratus Caleb & Mathai, 2015: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.
  28. Hyllus manu Caleb, Christudhas, Laltanpuii & Chitra, 2014: Holotype and paratypes are deposited in the NCBS Research Collections Facility.